Welcome to my website. I am a Dutch photographer and designer, living in the Hawaiian Islands for the last forty years. As a photographer, I am very much a generalist. There is no single area of specialization, and I like it that way. Every assignment is a new challenge. It allows me to travel and gain access to some pretty spectacular places, from the vaults of museums in London, Cambridge, and Vienna, to the observatories on top of Mauna Kea on the Big Island of Hawaii. I’ve had the chance to photograph for National Geographic, working with a film crew and avian paleontologist Storrs Olson. I’ve flown over erupting volcanoes, and photographed rare treasures in Iolani Palace in Honolulu, including the restored Imprisonment Quilt of Queen Liliuokalani. That’s the joy of being a generalist.
Below I’ll describe some of my favorite areas of interest. You can click on the photo or the headline to be taken directly to that section. Keep in mind there is plenty of overlap. Some sections will have caption information that becomes visible when you “mouse over” the picture. Feel free to browse the site, and if you have any questions or comments, please contact me.

People and Portraits
This is always a favorite category. I’ve met so many wonderful people in the process. This section will have sub-categories for things like headshots and soon a section I call Moving Portraits. Stay tuned, it should be fun.

Here I’ll show not only commercial projects but also wonderful architecture from my travels through the US and Europe.

Landscape and aerial photography are a wonderful way to show off the fantastic beauty of this world. This could also have been called Travel Photography because it’s not just Hawaii, but during travels in Europe and a cross-country road trip in the US.

Because I live at the edge of a conservation area, most of these images are of the endangered Hawaiian waterbirds that inhabit the wetland. I have a unique opportunity to chronicle their lives. Some of the other bird pictures were obviously take on the mainland.

Studio Photography
Studio photography allows me to have an unmatched level of control. I’ve had fun creating lots of magazine covers for Hawaiian publications, as well as national magazines.

Just for Fun
These images are personal projects and commercial shoots.
Video and Timelapse
This is the newest section. Timelapse has always fascinated me, and I’m going to be adding short clips as I get them ready. Stay tuned.